Metro Train Stations
Bingley railway station
Wellington St, Bingley, Bradford BD16 2NA
Routes and travel zones
Timetables 7 and 40 (Airedale Line) services to Leeds, Bradford Forster Square, Shipley, Keighley and Skipton
Real-time information on your phone and the web
You can view
live departures and arrivals for trains at Bingley
on National Rail Enquiries web site.
Text DEP BIY or ARR BIY to 84950 to get departure and arrival times on your mobile phone.*
Facilities at Bingley
Visit National Rail's website for details of the facilities available at Bingley rail station.
* Real-time rail information is provided by National Rail Enquiries. Your message will cost the normal text message rate charged by your operator. National Rail's reply to you will cost 25p including VAT.
You are only charged for replies containing departure/arrival information. You will not be charged for error messages.