Alerts 69 Bus

Transport Strategy and Bus Strategy


The Strategies

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) has developed a Transport Strategy for West Yorkshire. This plan is a twenty year vision for developing an integrated transport network that supports the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership’s Strategic Economic Plan for sustained and healthy economic growth - especially for jobs and housing. Within this, we have also developed a Bus Strategy which sets out what we want the bus system to achieve from 2016-2036.


From 18th July – 21st October 2016 we ran a full public and stakeholder consultation on the content of the two strategies. As a result of feedback received through the Bus Strategy consultation, we then undertook an additional public consultation around an accessible bus system. Feedback has already demonstrated that this was particularly important to all, but especially for users with short and long term disabilities. As a result of this, an additional policy has been added to the Bus Strategy regarding improving accessibility for all.


Both the Transport Strategy and the Bus Strategy were formally adopted by WYCA on 3 August 2017.